Agency | Status | Arrest Date |
BCGC | OPEN | 08-23-2024 01:33 |
Weekender: NO Offense: |
Charge: Drugs / Trafficking in meth. or cocaine base – 28 g or more, but less than 100 g – 1st offense Case #: Disposition: OPEN Bond: $0.00 |
Charge: Weapons / Poss. weapon during violent crime, if not also sentenced to life without parole or death Case #: Disposition: OPEN Bond: $0.00 |
Charge: Armor / Purchase, own, possess or use body armor by violent offender Case #: Disposition: OPEN Bond: $0.00 |
Charge: Drugs / Manuf., poss. of other sub. in Sch. I, II, III or flunitrazepam or analogue, w.i.t.d. – 1st offense Case #: Disposition: OPEN Bond: $0.00 |
Charge: Weapons / Possession of Firearm or Ammunition by person convicted of violent felony Case #: Disposition: OPEN Bond: $0.00 |