Inmate ID#: 1007194
Home Address City: Aiken
Drivers Lic State: SC
Sex: F Race: W Build: SLDR |
Height: 5’05” Weight: 115 |
Hair: BRO LONG Eyes: BRO |
Agency | Arrest Date |
ADPS | 04-22-2023 10:26 |
Weekender: NO Offense: | |
Charge: Trespassing / Entering premises after warning or refusing to leave on request Case #: Disposition: OPEN Bond: $0.00 | |
Charge: Disorderly / Public disorderly conduct Case #: Disposition: OPEN Bond: $0.00 | |
Charge: Municipal / Violation of City Ordinance (use state code if possible) Case #: Disposition: OPEN Bond: $0.00 |