Darius Mayo estimates that he has visited the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office 15 to 20 times seeking help.
He continues to wonder why Shawn Walker remains free despite warrants for shooting him 11 times and killing his girlfriend Shaneikwa Lafavor and their unborn daughter in May of last year.
What really upsets Darius is seeing wanted posters for shoplifters, burglars, and suspects of other less serious crimes. Where is the wanted poster for murder suspect Shawn Walker?
After an article about Darius’ frustration in last week’s edition of The Jail Report, the Richmond County Sheriff’s Office finally issued a wanted poster to the media with Shawn Walker’s mugshot. It was sent to media outlets on Wednesday.

It comes just a week after Darius called The Jail Report to share his story and express frustration at the lack of an arrest.
“I go down there and provide updates that we have,” he said last week of his visits to the sheriff’s office on Walton Way. “Nobody ever calls me back. I just feel like it’s being swept under the rug. I almost lost my life, and she lost her life along with my unborn. What else do I need to do?
“I know who did it. I saw who did it. I have never seen a wanted poster. For him to still be walking around and people texting me, and I go down and tell them… or they are like, ‘Oh yeah, I will call you back’ and give me a card… Nobody is giving any kind of response or feedback. I just really want some help.”
Darius says he lost his entire family, including Shaneikwa, whom he refers to as his wife.
What happened on May 22, 2023? Darius says his other children were visiting him from Tennessee that Monday. They spent the weekend at an aquarium out of town, and he had returned to Augusta for work.
Shawn Walker’s mother lived next door to the home where he was living on East Taylor Street. When he returned from work, he saw Shawn Walker arguing with Shaneikwa in the front yard. He walked past them to check on his children inside.
Darius heard that Walker threatened to shoot up the house. Before he knew it, Walker was inside and shot him five times. Darius fell down in the kitchen. He blacked out before one of his children talked to him. He then heard five more shots, the ones that killed Shaneikwa and their unborn baby. Between periods of blacking out, he realized Walker had returned inside.
“No, don’t shoot me no more,” he pleaded. “Don’t shoot me no more.”
But Walker shot him again, four times in the face.
How did he survive?
“Your guess is as good as mine,” Darius said.
It took a month between two hospitals to put him back together. Only recently has he been able to eat hard food again. His jaw was wired shut for a while. He had staples all over his body and legs. He figures he is back to 75 percent now.
Regarding motive, Darius said he had heard there were arguments over a parking space and other rumors that Walker wanted to hook up with Shaneikwa and was rejected.
But his focus has shifted to finding Walker. He keeps hearing reports of the wanted killer going to his favorite bar at night and hiding out during the day.
“I hear this family, the Walker family, they are a big family and they did a lot for the community back in the day. So they get away with most of the stuff,” Darius said. “It just doesn’t make sense for my wife to lose her life and the baby… then almost killing me… I am confused… He should be wanted on every corner.”
Earlier this year, the sheriff’s office stated it’s an ongoing case and they have no additional information to provide. They changed that this week with the release of the wanted poster.
Darius returned to Walton Way this month and told a front desk clerk about people seeing Walker at a local bar every weekend. He was told the investigator wasn’t in.
“I feel like they’re brushing me off,” he said. “I just want answers. I want justice to be served. I just want justice for my family.”